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  • Mind, Body, and Soul

Halotheraphy Salt Room!What is it and what are the benefits?

Updated: Dec 28, 2018

Here at Healing transformations one of our continuing services is our Salt Room. So many customers love to just come in and enjoy a breath of fresh air, along with peaceful music and a relaxed state of mind. One thing that is always asked though is What is Halotheraphy and what are the health benefits of it?

Halotheraphy is an alternative treament for yourself that has to do with you breathing in fine aersol salt from the air into your lungs. Helping you be able to breath much better, clearing out congested lungs and sinuses. Helping with bronchitis, COPD, Asthma, and other respritory issues within the body.

While being in the salt room you also get the chance to unwind and relax, which let's be honest is not something that we all get a chance to do much these days.

Halotherpahy is not only very beneficial for adults but children as well as young as 1 month old.

Aslo helping with impurities and skin conditions like eczema, and psorasis.

Honestly though everyone has their own personal experiences on how the salt room makes them feel, so you really don't know until you try it for yourslef. So come in and enjoy here at Healing Transformations.

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